We, Best feet podiatry, recommend an annual orthotics review to ensure your orthotics are still in a good shape and fully functional for your foot condition.
When orthotics were being heavily used (e.g, high-impact sports), they wear out more quickly compared to the ones being used for low-impact daily activities.
At our orthotic review appointment, we will assess your foot problems and check the condition of your orthotics. If your (or your children’s) feet have outgrown orthotics, it is best to remake the orthotics after reassessment otherwise it can cause more harm than good.
If your orthotic top covers have any holes or damage, they can be refurbished easily through our clinic at a much lower expense.
You may want new pair of orthotics for your other pair of shoes especially if you find it annoying to keep switching your orthotics from one shoe to another.
If you have private health insurance, you can use its benefit for the second pair of orthotics with ease as we can simply reorder using the same prescription we used before.